My Cat, My Queen…
A little fat
But cute is my cat
Always curious
More furious
She grins easily
frowns quickly
Gazes frequently
She likes to eat a lot
Sleep a lot
And lie often with open eyes
She knows everyone
But isn’t a friend to anyone
She knows everything
But tells nothing
She is a dude
No nonsense
With attitude
She likes to raise her hand
But will never shake a hand
She talks silently
But whispers loudly
And walks proudly
She is the queen
She is the one
Who rules
Who owns
Who commands
My heart
My house
My life….
I’m his friend
And she is my companion
She is enough for me
I’m sufficient for her
We both
Live and laugh and love
We both are alone but together…
We both are separated but United
We both are opposite but the same…
She is sweet yet stubborn
And I’m tough yet vulnerable
She is a little mean though
And I’m a little shrewd
I like to tease and please and pamper her
She likes to ignore and ignore and just ignore….
Yet she is the world to me
And I have no option
But to surrender and bow and abide
As she is the Queen
My Queen
And she still considers me as a servant
Not the king….