Isolated, Imprisoned & Trapped
I’m isolated.
I’m imprisoned.
I’m trapped.
Everything is out of control.
my heart
my mind
my soul
my thoughts.
Every minute
Different thoughts wrestle
Different emotions check-in
Different feelings party
I grapple
I wrestle
And in the end, I gulp everything.
I see what nobody believes in
I experience what nobody understands
I hear what no one could listen
I take what no one can’t
I’m stuck
In a storm of emotions
I’m dancing
In the rain of pain
I’m climbing
A mountain of sorrow
I’m swimming
In a pool of guilt
Behind is a dark past
At the front, a bleak future
A present filled with hopelessness
Every step of mine is on a boggy path
One step here or there
I could break
Or Crumble
But I’m standing
Like a strong tree
But I could fall
Like a leaf
But I want to fall in the right hands
But nobody is ready
To catch me
It seems like the end.
I’m burning
Every minute
And every bit of me
Is vanishing in the air like a smoke
They say
It’s like a war.
between me and mind and my thoughts.
And I might win this war
But I’ll lose myself…