Abdul Kader
May 19, 2022


Indeed it's unbearable to read. I was so emotional after reading the book. The accident could've been averted. He wasn't comfortable and was forced to perform the stunt. What's more painfull is he wasn't taken to the hospital immediately. They wasted 20 minutes in the ring and then kept waiting in the arena for ambulance. He could've been saved Of Owen was taken to the hospital immediately.
Owen was a good man. All of his WWE friends had all the good words for him.
And those who were present in the arena weren't aware about his death untill they reached home. Everybody in the arean was puzzled and cheered thinking about it as part of the storyline. But how could they know what happened as shameless vince continued the show ignoring the gravity of the situation.



Abdul Kader

Writer | Helping you fix your emotional problems & accelerate your personal growth.